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Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Musings: Location, location, location

Have you ever gone somewhere you’ve been before, but seen it in a completely different way?  This happened with me this weekend.  We went to one of the prettiest spots in Orlando, Leu Gardens and, while I’d been there before (in fact Evie’s gardens are based on the Rose Garden there--see below pic), I saw it in a completely different way.

It was not just a pretty place with beautiful flowers and lakes, it was the setting for a historical novel that’s been sitting in the back of mind for a while.

I could see the “ghosts” of my characters walking through the house that’s on the property.  While the tour guide was spouting historical facts of the house, I was seeing my characters walking through it, stopping to point out several things they thought to be important, and telling me their story.

Then while I was walking over the pathways of the “gardens,” I saw my post-apocalyptic surface world.  Gavin’s world.  Or at least part of it.  It wasn’t the clean, pretty, organized gardens that were really there.  My mind was showing me what it could look like after 50-60 years of neglect.

My favorite was the clock. While it wasn’t in bloom for this trip, can you imagine seeing that in some near future and trying to figure out why it was there? 

It’s really put me in Gavin’s head and I’ll be able to use that when I go back in for revisions.

I can’t wait to go back and do more “research” and see what my mind shows me next.