Yay, I won another blog award and I'm thrilled! Kristal Lee at Kristal Lee Romances gave me this award. Thank you so much Kristal. I truly appreciate it.
And now for the rules:
And now for the rules:
Accept the award, post it on your blog along with the name of the person who has granted the award and a link to his or her blog. Pass the award on to other blogs you enjoy and contact the blogger to notify them of your choice.
So I'm onto step two: passing it along. These are the blogs I follow and enjoy.
The girls from Oasis For YA:
* Jessie at The Daily Harrell
* Sheri at Writer’s Ally
* Nikki of her self-titled blog
* AE Rought at Love, Light and Shadows
* Jessie at The Daily Harrell
* Sheri at Writer’s Ally
* Nikki of her self-titled blog
* AE Rought at Love, Light and Shadows
Other writer friends
* Liz Czukas at her self-titled blog
* Larissa Hardesty at Larissa's World
* Jaclyn Dolamore at her self titled blog
* Kristi LaPointe at Mommy Barbie
* Adventure's In Children's Publishing
* Leah Crichton at her self titled blog
* MJ Heiser at Dispatches from Jaenrye
* Slushpile hero
* Jody Hedlund at her self-titled blog
* Lynn Rush at Catch the Rush
* Jordan Deen at her self titled blog
* Larissa Hardesty at Larissa's World
* Jaclyn Dolamore at her self titled blog
* Kristi LaPointe at Mommy Barbie
* Adventure's In Children's Publishing
* Leah Crichton at her self titled blog
* MJ Heiser at Dispatches from Jaenrye
* Slushpile hero
* Jody Hedlund at her self-titled blog
* Lynn Rush at Catch the Rush
* Jordan Deen at her self titled blog