DESTINED by Jessie Harrell
Publisher: Mae Day Publishing (November 17, 2011)
Paperback: 368 pages
Reading Level: Young Adult
Rating: 5 of 5 feathers
Source: AuthorOf course I have to give this book 5 stars because Jessie is awesomesauce, but seriously, you don't have to believe me. I highly suggest you read it for yourself, because I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
DESTINED is a book that has something for everyone packaged into a delightfully sweet historical romance/mythology retelling that will have you turning pages until the end and leave you wanting more.
At first I was concerned about Psyche's modern voice in an ancient Greecian setting (as it was difficult to tell when the story was taking place) and some of the freedoms and liberties she had that a girl (especially a princess) would not have had during that time period. However, I think it might really help teens who wouldn't normally pick up this type of book really get interested in a historical setting. One of my own personal favorite time periods, BTW.
Psyche is an awesome strong, female character who was well-developed and had a great character arc through out the novel. I love how Jessie used the deepness of the 1st person POV to really show us what and how Psyche was feeling, which was a great foil for Eros' limited 3rd POV.
Eros was the typical alpha male romance hero with a twist. He was a god. And not just any god, but Cupid, the god of love, whose Mother happens to be Aphrodite. Which, of course, left many interesting dilemas for poor Psyche.
All in all I really enjoyed reading this book (I read it in less than 24 hours) and I highly recommend it.
Also, stay tuned for tomorrow when Jessie will be here and giving away a DESTINED prize pack and an e-copy of the book.
@JessieHarrell · 696 weeks ago
StuckInBooks · 696 weeks ago