Welcome back from Thanksgiving break. I hope you had your fill of food, family and fun! I know I did. I had a blast at my DH's boss's house. And I had deep fried turkey for the first time EVER. I LOVED it. I know, I know, completely redneck, but I suppose that's what I am. :D I ate entirely too much of everything. And later that night I did it all over again at my parents'.
I didn't get any writing done, then again, I wasn't planning to. :D I started in on my TBR pile and made a dent, only to fill it again during the black Friday sales. What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment. However, I think I'd be willing to go by death by book. :D
A friend of DH's gave us enough pies and bread to last at least a year, if not longer. And not just pumpkin! But apple, blueberry, cherry, etc. I think if any of you see me, I'll look like a giant ball with arms and legs.
Anyway, enough about me, what did you do this Thanksgiving?
Since I'm getting close to 250 followers, I want to remind you I'll be doing a large give-away! Partially because I reached 250 followers and also because I missed my 1 year blogversary. So make sure to pass the word that I'm here. :D
And now, without further adieu, this week's selection for Music Monday.
This song is on Artifact Spirit's playlist because no matter what the "Evil stepmother" does to Mai, Del loves her "just the way she is."
Hope you enjoy.