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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Blog Award.

 This award is the Versatile Blogger award and it comes with a few rules.

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order…)
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.

Seven random things you may or may not have wanted to know about me:

1. I'm a military veteran and served in the second Iraqi War.
2. My favorite anime is The Ouran Host Club.
3. My second child came into the world after only 7 minutes and the doctor almost didn't make it.
4.  I'm TERRIFIED of clowns.
5. I wanted to be a Marine Biologist since I was 10, but I'm afraid to swim in the ocean.
6. I was a theatre/band geek in middle and high school (but I didn't join my high schools marching band)
7. I'm freaked out by spiders, centipedes and roaches, but I LOVE reptiles, especially snakes.

And here are the 15 blogs that I’d like to recommend to you:

The girls from Oasis For YA:

* Jessie  at The Daily Harrell
* Sheri at Writer’s Ally
* Nikki (who gave me this award) of her self-titled blog
* AE Rought at Love, Light and Shadows

My Fave bloggers:

* Liz Czukas at her self-titled blog
* Larissa Hardesty at Larissa's World
* Jaclyn Dolamore at her self titled blog
* Kristi LaPointe at Mommy Barbie
* Adventure's In Children's Publishing
* Leah Crichton at her self titled blog
* MJ Heiser at Dispatches from Jaenrye
* Slushpile hero
* Jody Hedlund at her self-titled blog
* Lynn Rush at Catch the Rush
* Jordan Deen at her self titled blog